RoadSafe GIS Blog
Learn about our latest software updates, traffic safety related research and funding, and other topics.
New preview results option for general queries in RoadSafe GIS
We have recently been adding features to our Collision Database Management System to better handle client jurisdictions with large numbers of collisions. The first new feature is a preview results button for general queries. Before displaying a full results page that includes a list of all collisions, tables and charts,…
Property Damage Only (PDO) collision count trends in California counties
Property Damage Only (PDO) collisions refer to any collision in which none of the involved parties were injured. In California there is a great deal of variability how PDO collisions are collected and reported by local police departments. Unlike injury involved collisions, it is not required to report PDO collisions…
Does the map provide value to the analysis?
We have been busy working on several projects so I have not had a chance to blog recently. Since it is GIS Day, however, I think I owe another blog post given the proliferation of maps on the web these days, especially in the mainstream media. There are now many…
RoadSafe GIS accepted to the Esri Emerging Business Program
RoadSafe GIS is pleased to announce we have been accepted to the Esri Emerging Business Program. RoadSafe GIS was accepted as part of the Esri Startup Program which provides a generous offering of software, support, training and more to new businesses less than 3 years old that are building software-as-a-service (SAAS) solutions.…