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San Diego geocoded SWITRS data

As part of our ongoing work to test and improve our geocoding processes, we recently looked at SWITRS collision data…

Property Damage Only (PDO) collision count trends in California counties

Property Damage Only (PDO) collisions refer to any collision in which none of the involved parties were injured. In California…

City of Los Angeles geocoded SWITRS data free download

UPDATE Geocoded SWITRS data is now provided through the City of Los Angeles Geohub. You can search for SWITRS to…

Collisions vs Injuries

Evaluations of collision data inevitably require summarizing the number of collisions or injuries occurring on a roadway or region. Target…

Querying for pedestrian related collisions

Collision data is inherently complicated since it attempts to aggregate all the elements of a collision into a nice, standardized…

Collision data GPS coordinate accuracy

The usefulness of RoadSafe GIS or any other software solution is heavily dependent on the quality of the input data.…

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